Friday, February 1, 2008

Pluto Crashes the Capricorn party!

The planet Pluto has just edged into Capricorn, and you will feel the urgency of Pluto’s energy all month. Pluto represents power and Capricorn represents the ambitious use of power to utilize what you have available in the material world to make progress.

If you decide to claim a leadership role now, you will want to think through your desires and crystallize them in defined action. Can you accomplish your goals effectively and responsibly? This could be difficult because you feel quite driven just now. However, if you truly have power, you can use it to establish control. Be patient with your plans, and at the same time make the effort you know it takes to be successful.

As you go through the month, read your annotated aspectarian to obtain daily reminders about energies around you. Each one comes with an undercurrent of Pluto’s power!

Let us know your experiences with the power shift as Pluto laves philosophical Sagittarius and enters more material Capricorn.

Dr. Stephanie Clement
Astro Psychologist
You can read your daily annotated aspectarian at: